About Me

Welcome to my website / online galleries

This website is a work in progress.  I am not set up for online sales. I mostly share/sell my images as photo notecards, which are 4 x 6 prints hand glued to 5 x 7 card stock, labeled, and nicely packaged with envelopes. These cards are also suitable for framing.

I have inventory at home, feel free to contact me.  I'm happy to let you know what I've got and to ship or deliver.  In Tucson, I am mostly selling cards at pop-up art shows. These are mostly images of many of the murals to be found in Tucson, plus an assortment of botanically themed images and desert landscapes. In Manzanita, OR - cards can be found at Finnisterre, Cloud and Leaf Bookstore, Wild Groceries and Cafe, and Manzanita News and Espresso and are made from local, Oregon coastal images.



I began my photographic ‘career’ when I was about 15 years old – focusing mostly on landscape photography in Northern California coupled with sporadic documentation of the San Francisco music scene and the Vietnam War protest movement, and dotted with occasional requests for portraits of children. When my parents were not forthcoming in support of my creative dreams – I went off to college for a more ‘practical education’ – gathering degrees in chemistry, environmental toxicology, and information science. Eventually landing in a career as a science research librarian – my interest in photography took a back seat.

Now retired – I am able to return some attention to this early passion of mine. I’ve been dipping my toes back in with some energy, for about ten years, with a couple one-off shows of special topics since 2003. I reside half-year in Tucson, Arizona and half-year on the Oregon coast.


Particiapant, Squid Show, Hoffman Gallery, Manzanita, OR, November, 2023.

Artist of the month(s), Manzanita Library, Manzanita, OR, July 6-September 6th, 2023.

Participant, Member Group Show, Lightbox Gallery, Astoria, OR, July 8-August 8th, 2023.

Participant, Squid Show, Hoffman Gallery, Manzanita, OR, October 1st-31st, 2021.

Patterns, A joint show with two other artists, Hoffman Gallery, Manzanita, OR, April 30-May 31st, 2021.

Participant, Word and Image, Hoffman Gallery, Manzanita, OR, October 1st-31st, 2020.

Member, Lightbox Gallery, Astoria, OR, 2021-

Member, Hoffman Gallery, Manzanita, OR, August 2019 -

Member/Participant, Rusted Art Facebook Group, February 2018 - 

Member, Art Accelerated Gallery, Tillamook,OR, July 2017- September 2019

2017 Pacific Northwest Photography Viewing Drawers(juried). Blue Sky Gallery, Portland,OR, April 2017-March 2018

Member/Participant, Daily Black and White and Monochrome Photos Facebook Group, October 2014-

Participant (photography), Annual Labor Day Art Show, Oceanside, OR –September 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013.

Participant (photography), Annual Memorial Day Art Show, Oceanside, OR– May 2017, 2016, and 2015.

Contributor (photography), Annual member show (group show), Bay City Arts Center, Bay City, Oregon, December,2013 and 2017

From the Atlantic to the Gulf- an exhibit highlighting the unity of those from the Middle East. Group show curated by Kanaan Kanaan and featuring artists mostly PSU-affiliated. North Bank Artists Gallery, Vancouver,Washington. May 2013

Images of Cuba, an educational photographic exhibit, ArtSpace Gallery and Cafe, Bay City, OR, May 20 –July 20, 2002 (solo show).

Photography Laboratory Assistant, Palo Alto High School, 1971-1973

About my work

My work has several directions, or facets – all of which I enjoy. What drew me back into photography was the opportunity to join in some interesting travel adventures several years ago. From that – I launched a focus in ‘travel photography’. In this direction, I am mostly drawn in by the human contribution to beauty in the global landscape. I love to frame the scenes of everyday life in different cultures - observing a person at work – creating, farming, foraging, cleaning – whatever they are doing -- if it is interesting to me, I try to capture it. And while many of my images do not include people in them, they include their invisible hands in the beautiful objects that they have created or gathered; public messages that they have crafted; interesting displays, artistic expression, architecture, etc.

Another direction is photographing art, mostly public or street art – whether this is while traveling or locally. I tend to photograph ‘excerpts’ of public art that I encounter, whether it is formal art or outsider art, such as graffiti – identifying within it a sub-image that to me forms a perfect image in and of itself. When I do this, I put in the effort required to identify the artist of the original work and always, when possible, give attribution.

Something that I have always loved to photograph, even from an early age, is abstract patterning, whether in nature or in the man-made environment. Again, to me it is a form of ‘excerpting’ – taking things out of context and simply enjoying the play of the pattern – whether it is a Fibonacci sequence, a geometric pattern, or something that is concurrently random and unified.

More recently, I’ve been drawn to subjects of rot, corrosion, and decay – and especially the interplay between nature and the built environment. Things such as lichens and mosses growing on abandoned structures; the effects of wind, rain, and time on old buildings; peeling paint; rusting structures, etc. The images that I seek in this area also dovetail with some of my other areas of interest – in that again, I prefer the ‘out of context’ image that I see more as ‘art’ than as ‘documentation’.

I rarely photograph people but have included some images of people in these galleries.

I am not a 'technical' photographer. For me, it is all about an image that catches my fancy, and whether or not I can capture it.

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